Oh Deer! Where Does the Wildlife Go When It Snows in Indiana?

In southern Indiana, it’s not unusual to see deer in the winter, but where do they go when it snows?

Throughout the winter, I frequently see deer because I live near to a cornfield. They have a constant urge to cross the street at night while I’m returning home from the studio, so some are definitely more peaceful than others. Fortunately, I have never been hit by one (thank God). However, deer sightings surrounding my house were far less common than normal during Winter Storm Blair. It made me wonder: in inclement weather, where do these animals hide?

Where Do Deer Go When It Snows?

As warm-blooded creatures, deer must regulate their body temperature to stay alive, according to the Lloyd Center for the Environment. Deer utilize their fur to protect themselves from the cold during the winter. Actually, the undercoat of their fur is composed of shorter, denser hairs that offer extra insulation, while the outer layer is composed of long, hollow hairs that trap heat. How awesome is that? Furthermore, deer are kept warm by the substantial amount of fat beneath their skin.

According to the Lloyd Center for the Environment, deer aren’t exactly picky about where they hide when things go tough. Depending on the circumstances, deer will seek cover under evergreen trees or in thickets to avoid the cold and wind. They will seek for places with less deep snow if there is any on the ground. In the process, they even have methods for locating and conserving food.

How Do Deer Find Food in the Winter?

Despite their majestic appearance, deer antlers have a useful function. To remove snow from their food sources, which include twigs and a variety of plants, deer utilize their antlers. In my backyard, I occasionally witness them searching the fields for maize kernels that are still there. Although deer are truly remarkable creatures, you can be sure that they are well-versed in winter survival.

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