How Financial Stress Is Keeping Kentuckians Awake At Night

Did you know that almost 40% of Americans say that their sleep is regularly disturbed by financial worries? It’s a depressing figure, and Kentuckians are even more affected. Here are some of the numerous explanations.

I am not the only one who experiences it. I toss and turn a lot of the time. I’m wishing for sleep. My emotions, mental health, and capacity to operate during the day are all impacted by sleep deprivation. Being at our best while we’re exhausted is difficult. Additionally, lack of sleep can eventually result in more severe health issues. Do you also have trouble falling asleep? According to this recent study, we’re not alone.


We are all impacted by financial stress, according to new research by MattressNextDay. States were graded according to a variety of factors, including consumer expenditure per capita, health issues, unemployment, poverty, bankruptcy rates, and family debt-to-income ratios.

According to the findings, Kentucky has the highest rate of sleep deprivation nationwide due to financial stress. The highest levels of financial stress are experienced by residents, who frequently have restless nights due to growing debt, rising poverty rates, unemployment problems, and unstable economies.

With a score of 57.8 out of 100, Kentucky is the state most affected by the debt hangover from January. Kentucky performs poorly on a number of other important indicators, according to the report, even though its debt-to-income ratio is among the lowest on the list at 1.15.

Kentucky #1 Total: 57.8

Ratio of household debt to income: 1.15 percentSleep deprivation: 39.6%15.6% is the poverty rate.Rate of unemployment: 4.2%Per capita consumer spending 47,272Rate of bankruptcy: 227.8Google searches for financial stress per 100,000: 16.3Negative internet sentiment on financial stress: 100%

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