Keep Warm, Spend Less: Budget-Friendly Ways to Stay Warm at Home

Mother Nature has given us a serious dose of chill throughout Kentucky and Indiana, even though “Polar Vortex” was not on our bingo card. Thankfully, we have some money-saving advice on how to remain warm.

READ MORE: Things to Do Outside When It’s Too Cold

It Can Cost an Arm and a Leg to Keep the House Warm This Time of Year

For many of us, this time of year can be challenging for a variety of reasons, but the cold weather always makes me feel a certain way. Perhaps it’s because I detest being cold, or perhaps it’s because maintaining a suitable temperature in the house always costs so much.

Utility Bills Can Skyrocket During Winter Months

In our area, heating a house can grow somewhat expensive, particularly when the outside temperature drops into the teens and even the single digits. It’s simple for our utility bills to skyrocket, leaving us broke.

I’d Rather Not Have to Pay the Overpriced Utility Company

I don’t know about you, but I would much rather spend my money on a nice trip than go broke trying to keep warm at home during the harsh winter months by paying the exorbitant utility company.

READ MORE: How to Treat Wintertime Dry, Itchy Skin

Save Money with These Tips & Add the Savings to Your Travel Fund

Thankfully, there are a few easy methods to stay warm without turning up the thermostat further than is necessary. After that, you can fund your trip with your savings!

See also  Study Reveals Best Spots in Indiana to Witness a Winter Sunrise

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