BBQ Restaurant Ordered to Pay $2.8 Million to Woman for a Pretty Controversial Reason

Genesis Monita, a 19-year-old Texan, pulled up to Bill Miller Bar-B-Q, her favorite fast-food restaurant, because she was hungry.

According to Fox Business, Monita opened her BBQ sauce and let it fall as she started to eat. As a result, she sustained second-degree burns.

The strange part comes here: Bill Miller BBQ restaurants take care to serve their sauce hot—165 degrees, to be exact. Monita’s lawsuit claims that on the day she was injured, the sauce’s temperature was 189 degrees.

As you sit here, you may be thinking that this lawsuit is pointless or that you have experienced something similar in the past and have never filed a complaint. However, Monita had a case, and a jury just gave her $2.8 million after a year-and-a-half of proceedings.

Punitive damages total $1.9 million, with the remaining sum being used to pay for all of her medical expenses.

Do you recall the 1990s McDonald’s coffee incident? That woman received $2.7 million and was also burned. All of McDonald’s hot beverages now include warning labels. The question of who is actually to blame when someone burns themself on something known to be hot was a contentious one at the time.

It’s likely that Bill Miller Bar-B-Q will follow suit at their more than 70 locations.

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