Check the Freezer! Massive FDA Chicken Nugget Recall Issued

America seems to be rocked by a significant food recall every week or so. Most recently, a big milk recall and two Walmart goods were recalled!

The Food and Drug Administration is currently recalling chicken nuggets, which are found in the freezers of the majority of consumers.

Completely cookedWegmans breaded chicken breastnuggets might contain bone pieces or other foreign objects.

To make sure that consumers are aware that this food should not be consumed, the Food Safety and Inspection Service is releasing this public health advisory, according to All Recipes.

It seems that you may get more than you expected, such as bones, if you bite into one of the recalled chicken nuggets.

If you’re wondering how they discover that certain products include foreign objects, it’s because someone else has already taken the hit, bit into it, and discovered something disagreeable.

The USDA website has the precise labeling and packaging for the impacted nuggets. This is how it appears:

The Wegmans website states that the following numbers should be found on the packaging:

0-77890-25210-9 Wegmans FYFGA Chicken Breast Nuggets, 46 oz.Optimal Use Date: 08/26/25

The last thing you want is to feed your children meals that contains strange objects, so be sure to look in your freezer for these nuggets.

You are encouraged to return these nuggets to the shop for a complete refund if you live in one of the eight states where they are being recalled.

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