10 “Secret” Hiding Places Indiana Burglars Always Check First

I’m lucky enough to have never been burglarized, but I can only imagine how awful that must be. Excuse me while I locate some wood to pound on. I want to think that I’ve avoided it so far by just not having anything valuable to steal, but you most likely don’t have that luxury.

To make it difficult for criminals to find your most valuable and/or priceless belongings, it’s critical to know what to do with them. Here is a list of locations where you should NOT hide your belongings, rather than where you should. The following ten locations are the first places a thief will search your house, according to Reader’s Digest, so perhaps look elsewhere for your stockpile.

Under the mattress

It’s not just our great-grandparents who used to put money under the mattress. Today, burglars are aware of it and still frequently use it as a hiding place.

Bedroom closet

You might not be able to avoid this location because your clothes, especially the more expensive ones, are probably kept in the bedroom closet. Putting things in a box or bag that is purposefully mislabeled as having “boring” contents is one approach to trick a would-be burglar in your closet.

Dresser drawers

At the very least, keep your valuables hidden if you plan to keep them in a dresser drawer. Place them inside a rolled-up sock that is hidden in the drawer’s rear.

Portable safe

As long as the safe is secure, your belongings should be protected—it’s called a “safe” for a reason. Verify that your safe is fixed to the wall or the floor.

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Medicine cabinet

Most likely, criminals are searching your medicine cabinet for costly medications rather than cash or jewels.


Did people hiding money in the freezer give rise to the term “cold hard cash”? That would have been cool, but no. At least make the items appear as though they belong in the freezer if you do conceal them there. Because robbers HATE peas, you could, for instance, conceal those items in an old package of frozen peas!

Office drawers

Burglars are aware of how simple and convenient it is to store crucial documents on a desk.


You should at least fill the vase with other objects if you plan to keep extra cash or keys in it. Don’t make it simple for someone to find your delicacies by just knocking over a vase.

Liquor cabinet

A teenage burglar could search your liquor cupboard, but an experienced burglar might not. Make sure the only item they will discover is a bottle of alcohol.


Criminals are aware that many people use luggage as an additional form of storage. Feel free to pack anything you like, but don’t include valuables or critical documents.

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